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Attrition of rape matters at the police investigation stage of the South African criminal justice system


Attrition of rape matters at the police investigation stage of the South African criminal justice system

The South African Police Service (SAPS) National Instruction 3/2008: Sexual Offences contains guidelines for police to provide victim-friendly services to victims of sexual offences. Investigating Officers (IOs) in the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (FCS) have the responsibility for investigating cases and preparing the evidence for a trial. Key investigative tasks include taking statements from victims and witnesses, identifying and arresting suspects and preparing for them to be charged, ensuring that a medico-legal examination is conducted; visiting the crime scene, organizing forensic specimen collection and ensuring the Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit (SAECK) is completed and dispatched to the Forensic Science Laboratory. It is also the responsibility of IOs to ensure the victim’s safety, appropriate referrals and regular communication with the victim on the progress of the case to ensure their cooperation when required at all stages. The attitude and dedication of police members  as well as the  quality and rigor of investigations critically influences the progression of reported cases within the criminal justice system

View the complete Attrition of rape matters at the police investigation stage of the South African criminal justice system - Policy Brief

29 October 2018