The ability to preserve time can be attributed to a number of things, matters that are within our control and those things we cannot control. Within this our biggest consideration includes how we take care of our health. The work of taking care of our health requires having the right information on hand, even from the research science that informs
solutions. Most of the time acquiring that information occurs when our health is already compromised, and we need to know how to deal with the outcome. We preserve time so that we can experience more of life, sustainably. Doing this in a country facing numerous challenges, including high rates of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and non-communicable
diseases while still trying to recover from the Coronavirus pandemic.
The SAMRC plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges through its research and science advocacy. Efforts made to lead in this area, and also in such a pivotal time demands cutting across communication lines in order to reach the South African population. This magazine is a SAMRC Corporate Marketing and Communications effort, to reach you with the research science, that will equip you with health information to advance your life. Taking up a new strategic approach to speak to various audiences in what we hope translates in the most possible simplicity.
Bophelo meaning Life, is one way of building on the idea that health research science concerns us all, enabling conversations where there’s an understanding on the
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