In the Health Systems Research Unit, our research informs and supports decision-making in health and social policy to strengthen health systems to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). By strengthening decision-making and health systems we aim to improve health throughout the life-course. We evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of care delivery models in communities, schools, and health facilities. To ensure relevance of our research, we apply implementation science principles and approaches, and engage and partner with Departments of Health at all levels of government, as well as with communities and other stakeholders.
We work in five thematic areas:
- Maternal, Newborn and Child Health: Understanding health system requirements for the optimal delivery of community and primary care services for women, newborns, and children
- Social Protection for Child Health: Strengthening social protection interventions and policies to promote health and well-being of children and their caregivers
- Health of Adolescents and Young People: Promoting universal health coverage for the sexual, reproductive and mental health and well-being of adolescents, their caregivers and young people
- Health Economics: Using health economics analytic tools to contribute to decision-making about investments in health systems (including investments in human resources and health programmes, interventions and services)
- Evidence Synthesis: Supporting evidence-informed decision making and learning health systems, and informing future research, through providing synthesized evidence and supporting the translation of this knowledge
We have expertise in a range of study designs, methodologies, and processes including:
- Cluster randomised controlled trials
- Process evaluations
- National surveillance / national impact evaluations
- Operations research
- Analysis of survey data using epidemiological techniques
- Systematic reviews of qualitative and quantitative evidence, and knowledge translation
- Economic evaluations and human resource planning
- Qualitative research
- Heath systems and other policy and guideline development
- Respondent-driven surveillance methods
- Simulated client assessments
- Visual participatory methods
- Evaluations of mHealth interventions
- Knowledge translation