Research Capacity Development
The strategic goal # 4 of the SAMRC is “building capacity for the long-term sustainability of the South African health research”. This is the priority goal for SAMRC to attain health research transformation and fully achieve the other four strategic goals.
The RCD Division runs two funding portfolios namely: the Research Grants Portfolio (covering 60% of the RCD budget) and the Scholarship Portfolio (covering 40% of RCD budget). Over the years the SAMRC RCD funding has been a great opportunity for funding early to mid-career researchers and postgraduate students, mainly PhDs at universities and research institutions with a particular focus on historically disadvantaged individuals as well as institutions previously constrained by inadequate access to resources to strengthen capacity development and ensure the ability to produce scientific knowledge for the advancement of health. All RCD funding processes follow well accepted standard grant management procedures from request for applications to the award processes. The applicants must be eligible for the programmes they are interested in.
Application Process
The applications for SAMRC RCD funding undergo a thorough, transparent and fair review process. The candidates are selected based on the eligibility criteria of each request for applications (RFA). SAMRC RCD funding process consists of multiple stages. Below are the main steps to guide you through the application process.