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Celebrating Scientific Milestones: SAMRC Genomics Platform Sequences 10,000 Samples

Genomics Platform Sequences 10,000 Samples

The month of March was a big month for the SAMRC Genomics Platform and next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology in South Africa. The GP sequenced its 10,000th sample – a landmark achievement. The GP sequencing service started with 9 human genomes in 2019 and grew into a strong core NGS facility for African genomics, precision medicine, pathogen surveillance, biomarker discovery and clinical trials.

On Friday, May 10, 2024, the SAMRC Genomics Platform held a stakeholder event to commemorate the sequencing of its 10,000th sample since its inception.

The event, held at the SAMRC Conference Centre in Cape Town, saw the convergence of key stakeholders, including a notable delegation from the Chinese embassy. Prof Glenda Gray, the President and CEO of the SAMRC graced the occasion with her presence and delivered a warm welcoming address. Expressing profound gratitude, she commended the Genomics Platform for its remarkable journey and the pivotal role it has played in catalysing scientific research across the African continent.

The highlight of the event was a captivating presentation by Prof Craig Kinnear, Genomics Platform Director, which took the audience on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reflecting on the challenges overcome, the milestones achieved, and the transformative impact of the Genomics Platform on scientific endeavours in Africa.

Genomics Platform 10  000 sample event

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