TIA Seed Fund Programme
The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) in collaboration with the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) is pleased to announce the release of its 5th SAMRC-TIA Seed Fund call, for the 2024/25 FY (SAMRC-TSF) with a focus on health-related technologies, including therapeutics, mHealth, biosimilars, and indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) (i.e. African Traditional Medicines, cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, and health infusions), with the exception of medical devices and diagnostics. The SAMRC-TSF aims to assist innovators to advance their research outputs and ideas to develop prototypes, proof of concept, and business cases that could be used for further development, and to de-risk opportunities for follow on funding from TIA and/ or other funders. This call consists of two sub-programmes i.e. the Pre-Seed Fund and Seed Fund which are described below.
The Pre-Seed Fund programme supports projects that are in the early stages of technology development such as proof of concept studies, development of prototypes and conducting market research. Its aim is to ensure that innovators reach technical feasibility of their technologies or innovations that are within TRL3 and TRL4. The maximum allowable amount per application for this call is R1,000,000 including VAT, for a maximum duration of 12 – 18 months.
The Seed Fund programme is open to applicants who completed the pre-seed round and are seeking follow on funding for their technology or innovation to achieve a minimum viable product ready for piloting and market testing with clear regulatory pathway and route to market. This grant is suitable for technologies or innovations that are within TRL5 and TRL6. The maximum allowable amount per application for this call is R1,500,000 including VAT, for a maximum duration of 12 – 24 months.
The SAMRC hereby invites all SAMRC researchers who are working on new innovations in the fields specified above to apply for the SAMRC-TSF call.
Who should apply:
- Previously funded SAMRC-TSF projects requiring a second round of funding
- SAMRC researchers and other staff
Exclusions: This call is open to SAMRC researchers ONLY. Researchers and or innovators from other science councils and universities as well as SMEs will NOT be considered and are encouraged to apply through their respective technology transfer offices.
The SAMRC TTO, within Grants Innovation and Product Development (GIPD), will receive and coordinate applications to submit to a Steering Committee and to TIA for consideration and is available to assist the applicants with such applications.
Please consult the SAMRC-TSF guidelines and complete the accompanying SAMRC-TSF application form, should you wish to apply for the funding.
Please direct any queries, requests for information, and completed applications for this TSF call to: tto@mrc.ac.za
Tshepang Khahlu
Technology Transfer Manager
Grants Innovation and Product Development
South African Medical Research Council
Email: tshepang.khahlu@mrc.ac.za
Tel: 021 938 0257
Web: https://www.samrc.ac.za/innovation/grants-innovation-and-product-development