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Dr Jyoti Rajan Sharma
Senior Scientist
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Research group: Cardiac Metabolism 

Current research/role focus: 1) To investigate the functional and clinical significance of genetic variants that contribute towards multifarious treatment outcomes in a black South African cohort with uncontrolled hypertension (UHTN). 2) Currently, I am also involved in a SAMRC/BRIP’s SARS-Co-V2 wastewater surveillance program that aims to determine the spatial and temporal SARS-CoV-2 trends, during COVID-19 peak in the Western Cape.

Biography: Currently, my research focus is on the identification and validation of new population specific molecular targets for disease prognosis, diagnosis, and novel therapeutic development. The years of experience in diverse research fields has enriched my understanding of disease biology from various perspectives and enhanced my capability to device and execute multidisciplinary projects. I would like to implement this experience to devise new strategies and develop new technologies/methodologies that will accelerate human genetics research efforts. I have published 21 research articles in the peer reviewed journals.