Review of Research on Alcohol and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa
Review of Research on Alcohol and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa
The links between alcohol consumption, sexual risk behaviour and HIV infection warrant special attention in sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, where HIV prevalence rates and levels of harmful use of alcohol are high [1;2]. In 2010 sub-Saharan Africa had an estimated 22 900 000 people living with HIV, who comprised approximately 68% of all people living with HIV globally [1]. Moreover, the WHO Africa region has the highest rate of heavy episodic drinking per drinker globally (of 25.1%) which can be contrasted with the lowest rates for the WHO Europe (EUR) and Western Pacific (WPRS) regions of 11.0% and 8.0%, respectively. Previous reviews have been conducted of studies on the roles and impact of alcohol consumption in HIV acquisition and disease progression [3-10]. This policy brief summarises the findings of a report of a review of SSA studies that updated those reviews [11]. The review examined (a) the associations between alcohol use, sexual risk behaviour and HIV infection; (b) the associations between alcohol use and various facets of HIV disease, including the uptake of HIV treatment services, antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence and HIV outcomes; and (c) the efficacy of interventions to address the negative consequences of the links between alcohol use and HIV. The review included studies published from 2008 to 2011.
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