The Health GIS Centre has been part of the Biostatistics Unit since 1 April 2014. According to the World Health Organisation, GIS or geographic information systems, "provide an excellent means of analysing epidemiological data, revealing trends, dependencies and inter-relationships that would be more difficult to discover in tabular format". The technology provides a mechanism to integrate different data sets, analyse their spatial and statistical components, and model possible scenarios, thereby supporting interdisciplinary research. Its use will encourage the ongoing collection and analysis of accurate spatial and statistical data for disease control and resource distribution. Its use requires appropriate data, mechanisms for distribution, as well as expertise and technical support.
- to develop an MRC-wide GIS capability in order to support contributions to national public health by initiating research collaborations with research units and programmes
- to contribute to the development of Health GIS as a discipline through the use of geospatial tools, techniques and methods in study design, data analysis and the geographical interpretation of research outcomes
- to develop capacity within appropriate sectors and amongst individuals within the research community
- to develop a GIS data repository containing data of relevance to health research
- to embrace technological advancements in the geosciences in the development of data management, mapping and dissemination tools and approaches
- Advice on GIS components of projects;
- Spatial database consultations;
- Supply and source spatial databases;
- Digitising capabilities;
- Assistance with GPS;
- Run introductory GIS courses
Since the MRC's GIS Centre houses numerous useful GIS data sets, many once-off requests (maps and analysis) are undertaken for both MRC and outside organisations.
Research projects funded from the MRC baseline budget are supported free of charge whereas research funded by Non-MRC sources are supported on a fee for service basis. In this regard a formal quotation is provided and signed for the work to be done.
All projects supported by the BU should have formal ethical approval from a recognized national or international institution in prior to engagement by any staff member of the Unit.
The Health GIS Centre can be approached to assist with or provide training
- in the areas of desktop GIS for mapping and spatial analysis
- use of GPS for field data capture, use of mobile technologies for navigation and data collection,
- management of GPS coordinate data.
The Centre also develops training manuals, training presentation material, data collection tools, SOPs, technical guidelines and hardware management tools specific to hardware acquired for projects and tailored to the particular requirements of a project.