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Survey on Substance use, Risk behaviour and Mental health among Grade 8-10 learners in Schools in the Western Cape Province, 2011

Survey Substance

Survey on Substance use, Risk behaviour and Mental health among Grade 8-10 learners in Schools in the Western Cape Province, 2011

In 2010/2011 the Provincial Government of the Western Cape (PGWC) in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Southern Africa tasked the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Unit at the South African Medical Research Council with conducting a survey in order to determine the regional prevalence of drug and alcohol use, risk behaviours and mental health problems among school learners in grades 8-10.

View the complete Survey on Substance use, Risk behaviour and Mental health among Grade 8-10 learners in Schools in the Western Cape Province, 2011 Report