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Advancing Disability Inclusive Research in Africa Network

The Advancing Disability Inclusive Research in Africa Network (ADIRA) aims to increase innovative and high quality research in Africa, led by African researchers, to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Africa. ADIRA sets to:

  • Build capacity for the conduct of research on disability by African researchers, in particular researchers with disabilities
  • Conduct innovative and high-quality research on disability in Africa, that has the potential to shape policy and programmes
  • Develop a network of researchers in Africa and beyond, to enable sharing evidence and learning on disability in Africa

In fulfilling these objectives, ADIRA will provide individual researchers including people with disabilities and research groups within Africa a knowledge-space to inform the development of their own disability research portfolio, grant applications and research relevant to the needs in their countries and communities.   

ADIRA presentation

Networking Platforms
  1. PhD Students LinkedIn Group
  2. The African Network for Evidence-to-Action in disability (AfriNEAD)
Online Training and Courses
Disability Research News