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Assoc Prof Yandisa Sikweyiya
Specialist Scientist
Contact Info
Tel: +27 (0) 12 339 8619

Yandisa is a Specialist Scientist at the Gender and Health Research Unit, SAMRC, an NRF C2 rated scientist, and an Associate Professor at the School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand. His research focuses on the topic of men and masculinities as it intersects with violence and HIV; and on research ethics and has authored over 55 publications in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and technical reports on these topics. Yandisa is a member of the DMTS Human Research Ethics Committee and a member of the Innovations for Poverty Action’s Institutional Review Board. He is an editorial board member of the Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities.  His current research activities include being a principal-investigator in the following projects: 1) The Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) Survey: A Qualitative Follow-up Study in Two Selected Provinces in South Africa, and 2) Exploring constructions, performances, and reconfigurations of masculinities during and after the Marikana mineworkers’ strike of 2012. Moreover, he is a co-investigator in the following projects: 1) a RCT to assess the impact of the Rural Response System to Reduce Violence against Women in Ghana, 2) a RCT to evaluate the combined intervention of Stepping Stones and Creating Futures in urban informal settlements in Durban, South Africa, 3) Formative research and development of a sexual violence prevention intervention for South African Higher Education Institutions, 4) KAP and HIV Prevalence Study Among Farm Workers in Limpopo province, South Africa: An Evaluation Study, 5) Developing Research Capacity to Support Community-Based Interventions to Better Engage Men in the HIV Continuum of Care.