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Natasha Gloeck
Senior Scientist
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Natasha Gloeck graduated as a medical doctor in April 2009. She then obtained a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Health in April 2014 and an MSc in Clinical Epidemiology in May 2020, both cum laude. She worked as a medical intern in McCord Hospital in Durban before moving to Pretoria for her community service. She worked in both private and public primary healthcare clinics for five years in Pretoria before moving to the University of Pretoria’s Department of Family Medicine as a medical officer in 2016. She was involved in a research-in-action programme called the Community Oriented Substance Use Programme - initially clinical work, and later research and it was during this time that she became more interested in research and the role it can play in impacting patient lives through evidence. In 2018, she moved with her family to Cape Town and continued her work for UP doing project and data management as well as collaborating on various peer-reviewed publications, including a chapter in the South African Health Review 2021. Tasha is passionate about implementing training and research that positively impacts the lives of the people of South Africa, and other low-and-middle income countries.